Sunday, March 11, 2012

Installation of Lips-Bibs for baits?

Well , it sounds like Frank has the materials ordered to get started on this years batch. As soon as it arrives we will be Building Musky Baits in the Garage.
 As with every year, a question on our procedures is brought up in an attempt to make and do the best we can. This time we are questioning on how we could do a better lip install?

First, a little history on the technique we have bee using.
With the exception of last year, all our baits have been thru wire construction. The lure body was slotted to except the wire. With that said, the lip was also slotted  to allow it to be installed in the body around the wire. Our line ties are at the noses of the bait , not in the lip.
The wire would be inserted, lip epoxied in and the slot filled with West System epoxy, a very fluid epoxy.
This epoxy would seep thru the lip area and fill any remaining voids in the lip slot. This made for a very strong bond of the lip to the bait.
After that had all set for a couple of days we would then apply a small bead of epoxy at the body to lip area.
This was to ensure a good seal and bond of the Lexan to the wood. Similar to what a weld bead looks like.  This did not always turn out to be a clean lip installation.
As in a professional look?

So the questioned has been raised, as to what we can do to make the lip installation better, now that we are using screw eyes. There is no slot in the lip and no West system epoxy to fill it.

We are looking for the strongest and cleanest installation of plastic Lexan lips as possible.
Can this be a one step process or is it multiple steps?
Should the lip still have a slot or drilled hole for the epoxy to grab onto? 

All I have come up with, is to use the smallest amount of 5 minute epoxy to set the lip, let it sit for 30 minutes and then apply the bead at the body lip line. This timing arrangement would be, trying to get all epoxy to cure together as best as possible. Of course babysit the bait until the epoxy sets

Any thoughts or suggestions on this would be appreciated.

I know we could be opening the "secrets" of the world here, but we are just trying to help others and ourselves to build lures with as much knowledge as  possible.

( Keep it in the Water )

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